The R&D activities performed in STRAERO are supported by a structure of laboratories and divisions:
Civil Aviation
STRAERO has extensive experience in the civil aviation area. During partnerships with different companies in Romania, we developed few light airplanes programs:
Main tests we carried out for these aircrafts were:
Other light airplanes tested at STRAERO:
Static and fatigue tests were carried out for both the planes. Moreover, the wing-fusselage junction of YAK 52 was subjected to fatigue and vibration testings and a drop test was carried out for IAR 46.
A full structural certfication programme was developed for IS 28D2 glider.
We also have experience in medium sized planes, i.e. BAC 1-11 (manufactured under UK license by ROMAERO Bucharest), for aero-servo-elastic controls analysis.
At a level of equipment and parts vibration tests, we were involved in testing program of Rolls-Royce Spey engine.
Military Aviation
In military aviation area, we contributed to several aircraft development programs:
The main directions of testing and certification programs for IAR 93 and IAR 99 were:
For the IAR 95 program we carried out the analysis and synthesis of electro-hydro servo actuators for primary flight controls.
We also carried out static & fatigue certification and vibration testing for helicopters:
These helicopters are manufactured under French license by IAR Brasov.
At engine level, we have developed testing program for Rolls-Royce Viper engine sub-assemblies.
A recent project was our contribution to the development program of a Target UAV.
Multi-Disciplinary Programmes
STRAERO expert knowledge, developed mainly for aeronautical purposes, is often transfered to general industrial applications. Government agencies or private enterprises, obtain support when STRAERO´s expertise and facilities fit their requirements.
Advice on modal analysis of structures, or vibrations caused by aeroelastic effects, is provided on the basis of expert knowledge, tests on scale models or measurements on actual structures. STRAERO has capabilities to execute static or dynamic tests, to carry out calibrations of customers tensile testing machines, and to certify different industrial structures. Also, STRAERO can perform various static and dynamic tests for auto industry: buses, trolley-buses and small automobiles.
Expertise on aerospace structures and materials is applied in various structures design and testing, metal or composites materials. STRAERO develops fabrication concepts for composite structures that help reduce costs while ensuring low weight and high strength.
In the area of information and communication technology, STRAERO develops systems, tools and applications, such as, for example, embedded software and simulation technology (mathemaical models, visual environment) applicable to medical science, pilot selection process and assesment, phisiological sata acquisition and processing.
Expertise in computer aided design, development and manufacturing of models and test equipment enables STRAERO to provide support and to conduct seismic qualification tests for nuclear power plant equipment.
Institute for Theoretical
and Experimental Analysis of
Aeronautical - Astronautics Structures
Announcing the selection of private entities in order to conclude Partnership Agreements for project proposals PCIDIF/159/PCIDIF_P1/OP1/RSO1.1/PCIDIF_A1.1, Măsura 1.1.2.
STRAERO SA, organizes a clarification session for the partner selection process within the project call PCIDIF/159/PCIDIF_P1/OP1/RSO1.1/PCIDIF_A1.1, Measure 1.1.2.
The venue is the STRAERO headquarters (Bucharest, B-dul Iuliu Maniu, No. 220, Sector 6), the conference room in the STRAERO building, on 25.07.2024, at 10:00.
For details and additional information, the STRAERO contact person is:
Cristian Iliescu, e-mail cristian.iliescu@straero.ro
Our mission at STRAERO is to provide qualified services in aeronautical field and to transfer knowledge, technology and experience to non-aerospace applications.
STRAERO is concerned with research and development (R&D) in aeronautical civil and military area, covering various activities, to meet requirements from customers.
We develop applications focused on:
Short History
STRAERO - Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of Aeronautical Structures has been detached from the Aviation Institute ICSITAv (INCREST) and became an independent research company in 1991, when the whole aeronautical industry in Romania was reorganized.
Early roots of ICSITAv's activity can be found in the Applied Mechanics Institute - IMA, founded in 1950 by the Romanian Academy, and from 1968, in The Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Aerospace Researches - IMFCA.
In 1990, IMFCA became The National Institute for Technological and Scientific Creation - INCREST. Later its name has been changed and became The Institute for Aerospace Scientific Research and Technological Engineering - ICSITAv, responsible for developing of aircraft programmes and assuming control of all the Romanian aeronautical research.
Quality Management
STRAERO is certified:
STRAERO is acreditated:
STRAERO is about to obtain the following Certifications:
Other Links
Based on its extensive experience, STRAERO can offer R&D servicies and consulting in aeronautcal area, as well as in non-aeronautical industry.
In order to perform static and dynamic tests able to deal with complete aircrafts, large structures or specimens for aeronautical and non-aeronautical applications, STRAERO operates the following structures testing systems and machines:
Two Schenck Universal Testing Machines of 6 and respectively 60 tones
Electro-Servo-Hydraulic Schenk Hydropuls System
Prodera Ground Vibrations Testing System
Hottinger Scanning System for static and quasi-static data acquisition
Testing Machine INSTRON 3000
Hardness Tester Machine
Low Speed & High Speed data Acquisition Systems
High Speed Camera
Our CISC processors resource is supported by a LAN Based on:
Main server powered by:
Second server powered by:
Workstations powered by:
Workstations powered by:
Workstations powered by:
We use several software packages for modeling, design, numerical analysis, data acquisition and processing:
Tiberiu ANGHEL
Ing. Ionel POPESCU
Iuliana IONESCU Ec.
Cristian Iliescu
220 Iuliu Maniu Avenue
P.O. Box 76/175
Sector 6, 061126 Bucharest